The third class AMCOP DCM Bio Activator is an indicator for the treatment of mandibular pseudo-prognacies. The third class malocclusion is characterized by the mandibular protrusion, by the retruded position of the upper incisors, often in reverse bite with respect to the lower ones, determined by an inverse maxillo-mandibular relationship. Frequently also this type of skeletal class is functional and involves great aesthetic discomfort for the patient. One of the main concomitances of the third classes is the atypical swallowing from low lingual posture and functional attitude of the same propulsive type on the lower teeth (tongue that acts as king), which stimulates an inconsistent mandibular growth, as well as the lower incisal proclination.
The third class AMCOP Bio Activator is suitable for providing the correct positioning of the arches in a regular incisor key ratio, through the position obtained by the upper teeth in an anterior sliding plane and, on the contrary, by exerting a posterior pressure on the lower arch, braking action of mandibular growth and for an improvement of the aesthetics of the face. The AMCOP Bio Activator is also indicated for the re-education of the dysfunctional language in correct posture and correct swallowing.
DCM Bio activator "TC"